Esmaltes Da Kelly Nebula Holo Polishes

Hi Guys, Hope you all had a very happy Christmas and Santa brought you lots of lovely things - I was very luck so I obviously made the nice list! Before Christmas I managed to get my hands on 6 of the new EDK holos from Rainbow Connection and I am very excited to show you them. Now the 1st question everyone has asked about these polishes is do they stamp? Well I am very pleased to tell you that yes they do, they stamp beautifully. I have swatched each of them on black and white so you can see, but these are also gorgeous polishes themselves and you get great coverage from 1 coat (I still always recommend 2 though) Now I'm really sorry that my pictures don't show the stamping over black that well so you will just have to take my word for it! But you can see that they do stamp! This beautiful blue is Laguna This is Medusa and it's more of a violet purple. This deeper purple is Orion Caranguejo is a teal blue colour. Helix is a stunning green...