Colors by Llarowe - The Journey Collection & Vegas 2016

Hi Everyone, Hope you are all having a good week? I got these polishes a week or so ago and I was very excited to swatch them and share them with you all. Now I'm sure there are a few things you have all learnt about me by now - I love indie polish, I'm a sucker for Colors by Llarowe and I have a serious live affair with blue polish! So when Rainbow Connection got the new CBL collection in and I saw the gorgeous blues I knew I needed some in my collection. I told myself I was only allowed 3 which for a polishoholic is just unheard of, but after a difficult few hours putting polish in my basket, changing my mind and taking them out and putting 3 more in I finally settles on these 3 Well when they arrived I was not disappointed with my choices however I was disappointed I only allowed myself 3 because if the rest of the collection is this pretty they need to be on my CBL shelf Now for those of you unfamiliar with CBL - where have you been?! Leah Ann the creator behi...