Top 4 RC purchases - Blue

Hi Lovelies,

As I'm sure you have all worked out by now I am a huge fan of the Online Indie Nail Polish shop Rainbow Connection and it is where I buy all my gorgeous Indies. Well for various reasons for the foreseeable future I am gel polishing my nails so I have decided to go on a no buy for a couple of months. Its going to be tough as there are always so many pretties but I am going to save and have a big spend in a few months.

As I still want to support Annette and this amazing shop I am going to do a series on My top RC purchases, some will be on my nails between gel manis but most will be on swatch sticks, so I hope you all stick around to see my posts while I'm not buying!

1st up is My top 4 blue polishes - any of my regular readers or IG followers will know that I am a bit of a blue addict and when I buy from a new collection there is always a blue purchased! I just cant get enough of them so this was actually very hard to narrow down to 4 but here they are -

1st up from my absolute favourite brand its Colors by Llarowe Rain - this is a beautiful cobalt blue that dries to a matte finish. I do love this finish but add a top coat and it really is super sparkly. This polish is wearable at any time of year in my opinion after all it rains here at any time of year!!

Next by Grace-Full polish is actually a blue from the September Paint the Rainbow box (it still counts as its ran by Annette) is Second Star - Inspired by Peter Pan this is a gorgeous Indigo Denim Blue holo and it really is stunning.

From Lilypad Lacquer is another cobalt blue but a lighter sea blue one. Bayside also has some flakies in it which gives it a textured look to it, however it is one of the sparkliest holos I have seen.

Finally by Pretty Serious its Badlands Bandint. Now officially I didnt purchase this one it was actually Santa but I have it on good authority that he shops at RC! This is the only non holo but that doesn't take away from it's beauty because it is a super shiny inky blue.

So these are my top blue purchases. I have to be honest I had so many to choose from that I'm sure if I chose again in a month there would be different choices! Blue is definitely my go to colour and RC has so many beauties to choose from.

If you want to check out these and all the other amazing indies that RC stocks then here is the link - Rainbow Connection
They can also be found on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as can all of these amazing brands.

I hope you liked this post - do you have a favourite blue polish or have you tried one of these? I would love to know so please leave me a comment below.

Love and blue polish

Helen aka Cinderhellie xx


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