A Personal Post

Hi everyone,

I know I haven't blogged since before Christmas and any followers on my social media may have noticed I have been very quiet so I thought I would post to explain that and a few other things.

As some of you may know last June I had a bad virus that put my out of action for a few weeks but following that I ended up with some side effects that put me out for longer. These were diagnosed as reactive arthritis and it was hoped they would improve over time however I am still unable to drive and my mobility is greatly affected and as a result I have been unable to work or get out much since June and I am still in that situation.

I am currently recovering from another chest infection which has flared up my other symptoms and I am now getting the pains in my right shoulder, which is making doing even my own nails difficult.

So I have made the very difficult decision to take a complete break from nails until I am in a position to resume my job as a nail technician. I have found being unable to work on clients my enthusiasm for doing my own nails is lacking and at times it's not easy to do them because of the pain I'm in. Therefore I am going to stick to Gel on mine so they only need doing every couple of weeks.

With my decision to take a nail break it also means I will be taking a break from blogging and I won't be posting nail pictures on my social media - they are also personal pages so I will still be around but with less nails!

This hasn't been an easy decision as nails has always been a passion of mine and I love being a nail technician but I need to focus on my health at the moment and getting myself fit to restart my business and rediscover my love of all things nails.

I thank everyone for there support on my blog and my social media and I hope you will all be there when I feel ready to return to the nail world. I promise when I do my Gel manis I will post them!

Thank you for reading and love you all
Helen aka Cinderhellie


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