Fab ur Nails - FUN 23 Swatches

Hey everyone,

Well I can't believe May is nearly over!!

I have the next Fab ur Nails plate to show you today which was kindly sent to me by Annette from Rainbow Connection.

This week I have focused on FUN 23 and its is just as brilliant as the previous 2. If you would like to see my swatches and review of the others you can find FUN 21 on my blog and youtube and FUN 22 on youtube as well as all my swatches on Facebook and Instagram (links at the end)

So this is the plate I've been playing with this week - FUN 23

As with the previous post I have swatched this plate with a variety with polishes but this time I just used my Fab ur Nails Jumbo Squishy Stamper.

All these swatches show my 1st pick up and as with the other 2 plates I couldn't find 1 single fault - well maybe 1 There's too many amazing images and I wanted to use them all!!

If you have read my previous posts you will also know I have my standard stamping technique which is a quick light scrape over the image with a firm scraper - I personally love the pack of 3 mini scrapers from Rainbow Connection which can be found here I then gently roll my stamper over the image to pick up - I never apply too much pressure and I find this technique gets the best results for me.


Colour Alike - Galaxy Venus

Esmaltes Da Kelly - Omega

Picture Polish - Instinct (this is not a stamping polish but I'm testing some indies to see how they stamp)

Hit the Bottle - Looking for Mr Grey

Esmaltes Da Kelly - Carlos

Hopefully you can see just like the previous plates this one is etched perfectly and had a flawless pick up with all the brands I used. This is another plate that gets a thumbs up from me 👍🏻

So again I felt I needed to do some stamping nail art with these because there are so many fab images but I'm going to be honest this didn't go quite as well as it had the previous weeks.
My Nail mojo decided to pack it's bags and leave me and take all my creativity with it. Anyway after I'd done my swatches I thought I'd grab some polishes and see where they took me...well honestly it just went from bad to worse. I smudged the stamping, the top coat nothing worked so after bursting into tears (my health is not at its best so I'm very emotional anyway) I packed everything up with no pictures...I did get taken out for a Thai meal to cheer me up though!

So the next day - I hadn't slept brilliantly because of pain so a grabbed the plate and decided to try and coax my mojo and creativity back...
and here is take 2 🎬

On a white base I sponged a gradient of Colour Alike Fuchsia Flash, Electric Orange and Yellow Glow and double stamped with Painted Polish Midnight Mischief and EDK Andromeda

Another white base and this time a sponged gradient of Picture Polish Bluebird, Alice and Forget me not, I stamped with EDK Dolly

Bet you cant guess what I used as a base - thats right White! Then i sponged on Glisten & Glow 98 & 3/4 percent guaranteed, your mountain is waiting and today is your day. Stamping is that amazing black Painted Polish Midnight Mischief.

Had to go with another white base! This time a sponged gradient using Cirque Colors Electric Daisy, High Roller and Rehab and good old Midnight Mischief for stamping.

All the stamping was done with my 2 in 1 crystal embellished clear stamper and I topped off with Glisten & Glow HK girl fast dry top coat.

To protect my skin when I'm sponging or stamping I have been using the new improved Zap from Rainbow Connection - this is thicker than the original but applies like a dream and comes off in one piece perfectly. I have been able to do all my coats of sponging and I do 4/5 to build up and do my stamping with the same application of zap and it doesn't disintegrate at all and removes all the excess perfectly - I then neaten up the cuticle with acetone and my RC clean up brush.
Get your Zap here

In last weeks post I said the Fab ur Nails jumbo squishy stamper deserved an award well this week I'm going to be honest if that is the best stamper in the world then this week I'm going to have to present the Cinderhellie Award for Nail Goodies - CANG for being the best black one coater/stamping polish in the universe to Painted Polish - Midnight Mischief 🏅

All the polishes etc used in this post were purchased by me from Rainbow Connection except the FUN 23 plate, Zap and 2 in 1 stamper which were sent to me for review. I'm not 100% sure which polishes are still in stock but there are plenty of alternatives so please check the shop out.

Rainbow Connection can also be followed here - TwitterFacebook and Instagram

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Thank you for reading - please leave me any comments below and I'll be back very soon

Helen aka Cinderhellie xx


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