Breast Cancer Awareness Manicure

Happy Sunday Fellow Nail Addicts.

Well we're into October and that means pink nails for Breast Cancer Awareness. Some of you may not know that I am a qualified nail technician and for the whole of October I will be donating £1 from all the treatments I perform to Future Dreams a Breast Cancer Awareness Charity. So to start the month of right I decided to Paint in Pink...and yes I put and extra £1 in my collection.

So here's how I created my mani.

 These are the products I used (I will leave all the links below) The polishes are both CBLs - Fast Girls from Rainbow Connection and Courage, Brains and Heart which I won, my Messy Mansion stamper head in a cheap ebay holder, Moyou White stamping polish, Born Pretty Plate BP26, Some chevron vinyls from She Sells Seashells, Pink Glitter and my Glisten and Glow HK girl topcoat from RC

I started by painting my nails with 2 coats of colour, I used CBH on my ring fingers and I left it to dry. Then did one coat of topcoat on all my nails.

I then used the full ribbon image to stamp on my ring and index finger. If you have never stamped before here's how I do it. I blob my chosen polish at the edge of the image and using a scraper (I used my trusty Moyou credit card scraper) drag the polish over the image so you fill the etched part and remove the excess polish.

I then lightly pressed my stamper on top of the image to pick it up. I love how well this messy mansion head picks up. Some stampers will need a different technique - some need a harder press, some need rolling over the image - its trial and error I find with different stampers. Anyway this is how it should look on the stamper after.

I then start from my cuticle and roll the stamper over my entire nail to transfer the image - don't worry if you get any on the finger you can clean up after. I also stamped a single ribbon on my thumb.

Next I used the vinyls to jazz up my middle and little finger. I peel of the vinyls and stick them to the back of my hand to remove some of the stickyness and then place them on the nails. Make sure you press them down securely or you get bleeding underneath. Once stuck I paint over the whole nail, you don't want to use too much polish but you need enough to cover. I used CBLs CBH because I thought it would go perfect with the base coat. Before the polish dries peel off the vinyl carefully so you don't smudge it and you should be left with a perfect, crisp chevron.

And ta-da it worked. I then cleaned up around all my nails using a concealer brush dipped in acetone and then randomly placed some pink glitter around the ribbon on my thumb. Finally I applied another coat of HK Girl topcoat too all my nails.

I hope you all like this mani, I was really happy with how it turned out as it promotes awareness for a very worthy cause that could affect any one of us.
I hope to see and create lots of pink manis this month.

So the links
The polish, topcoat and stamper were from Rainbow Connection. The stamping polish and scraper were from Moyou London, the stamping plate is from BornPretty Store and the vinyls are from She Sells Seashells
and be sure to check them all out on Facebook and Instagram.

Please let me know if you enjoyed this post and if you would like to see more tutorials like this. I'd also love to know what you would like to see on my blog or if there is something you would like me to swatch or review - please let me know either on here or any of my social media.

Love and Polish

Helen aka Cinderhellie xx


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